Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Heather O’Dell


A1. The Devil’s Rejects

B1. Art Machine, A Trailer Park Company 2005

C1. This movie poster’s composition pulls the viewers eyes from the top of the poster down vertically to the bottom. The majority of the composition is fairly uniform with emphasis only on the lifeless arm that protrudes out of the doorway into the hall. This arm serves to point/underline the movies title and information.

A2. Pulp Fiction

B2. Indika Entertainment Advertising 1994

C2. This movie poster is cut horizontally a third of the way down the poster which serves to cut the surface area into two pieces to balance out the visual weight of the image. If you were to fold this poster vertically the image would be visually equal on either side.

A3. Vertigo

B3. Saul Bass 1958

C3. This movie poster has radial symmetry. This symmetry moves your eyes in a circular motion around the central image. Three bold colors are use to balance out the image. This composition is flat and has no visual depth.

A4. Dracula’s Daughter

B4. Artist unknown 1936

C4. This movie poster’s composition is made up of three sections. The emphasis is placed on the title by using bold and thick letters that cut diagonally through the page, which creates these separate sections visually. The rest of the composition is balanced out with images from the movie on either side of the title.

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